DgFlick Passport Xpress Pro 5.0.0 Multilingual Full Key,Phần mềm làm ảnh Passport - Key4VIP.info - Ban key ban quyen Kaspersky Internet 2016 - Kaspersky Server - Windows 10 Pro

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Thứ Bảy, 8 tháng 8, 2015

DgFlick Passport Xpress Pro 5.0.0 Multilingual Full Key,Phần mềm làm ảnh Passport

DgFlick Passport Xpress Pro 5.0.0 Multilingual Full Key,Phần mềm làm ảnh Passport

Passport Xpress Pro enables you to design passport and VISA packages in seconds. Set default location of photos and automatically load the path everytime. Saves your browsing time. Connect device through USB to computer and get the photos in the software. Import photo from any Bluetooth media device to make package.

Pro Features:
– Photo Connectivity – Get photos from the most convenient location.
– ID Visa Packages – Build up visa photo packages in seconds.
– Photo Editing – Match photo to the visa requirements.
– Output – Package delivery is as simple as creating it in Passport Xpress. Inbuilt 330 packages
Ready Packages of Visa & Passport for easy project saving and printing. In addition to it, get ID card package, Stamppackages with different stamp sizes & general packages.
Make your own package
Get your own package requirements in software. Simplified package making with photo size insertion and grid creation by defining rows and columns.
ID photos and beyond
It is something more than creating passport package. Get your ICARDs, business cards, certificates, photo labels requirement done in Passport Xpress.
Multi photo package
Mix packages having multiple photo sizes including text fields to add name as well.
Variable data packages
Packages with data. Fulfil clients requirements like photo with name and details. Some packages includes variable data fields like label packages with fields to include Name , STD, DIV, Date of Birth, Roll Number, Address.
Face Area Guidelines
Face area guidelines to maintain the face percentage visibility as per the requirement of visa.
Batch Zooming and Panning
Multi photo zooming and panning. Set every photo at a same height with same zooming ratio.
Change Background
Remove the even color background and replace it with required background color
A tool to make quick improvements on photos.
Change Clothes and Accessories of the Photo
Formals and casual wear cutouts for male and female. Spectacles to avoid glass reflection during photo capturing
Color Correction, BCG, Curves and levels with individual color channels. Filters like opacity, blur, feather, shadow, Colorize, crop and rotate. History tools to restore certain parts of the image as they are.
In addition to background removal, lasso is to cut out the uneven backgrounds & get the output.
Order number
Reference maintenance with automatic order number generation for each package. Reprint old orders by finding them with order numbers
Direct Print
Print your packages as soon as you design them. Accurate delivery by notifying order number.
Convert packages in JPG that can be printed anywhere.


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DgFlick Passport Xpress Pro 5.0.0 Multilingual Full Key,Phần mềm làm ảnh Passport Reviewed by Key4VIP.info Ban key ban quyen Windows-Antivirus-Server on 06:35 Rating: 5 DgFlick Passport Xpress Pro 5.0.0 Multilingual Full Key,Phần mềm làm ảnh Passport Passport Xpress Pro enables you to design passport and VIS...

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