Chief Architect Premier X7 (x64) Full Key Download,Phần mềm thiết kế nhà tuyệt vời - - Ban key ban quyen Kaspersky Internet 2016 - Kaspersky Server - Windows 10 Pro

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Thứ Bảy, 8 tháng 8, 2015

Chief Architect Premier X7 (x64) Full Key Download,Phần mềm thiết kế nhà tuyệt vời

Chief Architect Premier X7 (x64) Full Key Download,Phần mềm thiết kế nhà tuyệt vời

For all aspects of residential and light commercial design. As you draw walls and place smart architectural objects like doors and windows, the program creates a 3D model, generates a Materials List, and with the use of powerful building tools, helps produce Construction Documents with Site Plans, Framing Plans, Section Details, and Elevations.

Building & Design Tools

Use powerful building and drafting tools to quickly create plans according to standard building practices and make the design process efficient and productive. Automatic and Manual Building tools allow you to create a variety of Roof styles, Stairs, Framing - both stick and truss, Schedules and Materials Lists for Cut, Buy and Estimating, Dimensioning, Cross-Sections, Elevations and CAD tools.

3D Design and Modeling Tools

As you draw walls, the program automatically creates a 3D model and supports full 3D editing. With Chief Architect, you can design in any view for seamless and simultaneous editing between 2D & 3D. Advanced rendering provides both Photo Realistic and Artistic styles such as Line Drawing and Watercolor. An extensive 3D Library of architectural objects and tools make it easy to detail and accessorize your designs so that styles, finishes and other product-specific design details can be accurately rendered.

CAD Tools for Productivity & Precision

House Elevation View
Chief Architect has a powerful CAD software engine that includes tools for lines, polylines, splines, arcs and solids to produce objects that range from custom entry columns to a deck ledger detail. Quickly manipulate objects with multiple copy, align, reflect and replicate at specific intervals. A CAD-to-Walls tool imports AutoCAD® files and provides mapping for layers so you can quickly see the model in 3D. Draw custom CAD details, import as DWG/DXF/PDF, or choose from over 500 CAD details in the premium SSA catalog to overlay on your design.
Roof Detail

Foundation Detail

Plans Sets & Construction Drawings


Create site plans for single or multiple lots. Import terrain survey data or create with the Terrain Modeling tools - terrain data can then be used for a 2D site plan or viewed in 3D to show the specific topology. Road, Sidewalk, Hill and Valley tools provide added detail. For Landscaping, there's over 4,000 plants with detailed information about each plant including integrated Hardiness Zone Maps. Define a North pointer and seasonal settings for shadow effects and overlays. Decking tools include automatic and manual deck framing; customize deck planking and materials.

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Chief Architect Premier X7 (x64) Full Key Download,Phần mềm thiết kế nhà tuyệt vời Reviewed by Ban key ban quyen Windows-Antivirus-Server on 07:22 Rating: 5 Chief Architect Premier X7 (x64) Full Key Download,Phần mềm thiết kế nhà tuyệt vời For all aspects of residential and light commer...

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